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The whole history of the Champ-de-Mars

Located in the nerve center of Paris, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower , the Champ-de-Mars is today a huge place where we like to meet to stroll, picnic, or admire the New Year fireworks. year. But it was not always this peaceful green space, and the Hôtel du Cadran takes you to discover the history of the Champ-de-Mars .Champ-de-Mars: the origins of this nameChamp-de-Mars is not a name specific to the site in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. This term, from Roman mythology, previously designated spaces dedicated to military parades and maneuvers . The garrison towns thus almost all had their Champ-de-Mars, as is the case with Paris. These vast spaces thus bore a name which referred to the god of war , Mars.Today, certain municipalities have preserved their Champ-de-Mars, and in particular that of the capital, whose military history has marked the history of France.The history of the Champ-de-Mars in ParisBefore becoming the vast garden we know today, the Champ-de-Mars had several lives. From the 16th century, it was first an immense esplanade, on which there were vegetable gardens and vineyards . Then its usefulness changed over time, becoming a major site in the capital.A space dedicated to military trainingFrom the 18th century, the large expanse, near which the Eiffel Tower did not yet stand, was a maneuvering field intended for military training. This is where the place gets its name from. The extent was such that more than 10,000 men could be placed there in battle order. At the time, the esplanade was closed to the public thanks to huge wrought iron gates.A historic gathering placeBeginning with the French Revolution, the country’s leaders took advantage of the magnificence of the place to make it a gathering site for the most important events in history. In particular, the storming of the Bastille is celebrated there every July 14 since 1790.A horse racing siteDuring the Belle Époque, horse races were also regularly organized on the Champ-de-Mars. Very popular, these events attracted a lot of people, and the horse racing tradition of the place remains important today. We also celebrated the jubilee of the horse Jappeloup in 1991, when the 25 best riders in the world came together to perform an incredible show jump.The headquarters of many universal exhibitionsIn the 19th century, the Champ-de-Mars also became a privileged place to host universal exhibitions , which were until then organized in the Trocadéro gardens. We think, of course, of the Universal Exhibition of 1889, which saw the birth of the Eiffel Tower. It was also on this date that the army ceded the Champ-de-Mars to the City of Paris, and that its transformation into an immense green park took place.The Champ-de-Mars todayWith a very rich historical past, the Champ-de-Mars retains a special place for certain events. We celebrate the transition to the new year, and we like to meet there for major events, such as the victory of the Blues during the Football World Cup in 1998, then in 2018 . It is also and above all a space where life is good and where everyone likes to walk, in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower.A vast green space in the heart of ParisToday, the Champ-de-Mars is one of the largest green spaces in Paris , with an area of 24.5 hectares. Located in the 7th arrondissement, it is even the only open public garden to remain open day and night.Although it has long served as a training ground for the military, it is today a very large park where it is very pleasant to walk. With a breathtaking view of the Eiffel Towerand on the Military School, it is a place particularly popular with tourists, who like to take photos of the Iron Lady .Inspired by both French and English gardens, the Champ-de-Mars park is covered with vast lawns, winding paths and magnificent bronze statues. It is thus one of the most beautiful gardens in Paris, and a garden classified as a UNESCO world heritage site . We discover rare trees there, which always attract birds that are usually found only in the great French forests, far from the hustle and bustle of Paris. The famous bird of the Champ-de-Mars is also a tawny owl, which we hear at night, but which we never see during the day.Useful informationThe Champ-de-Mars park is the only Parisian public garden that is not enclosed . Access is therefore free, day and night. Events are regularly organized there, such as concerts, political rallies or sporting events. In 2024, the Champ-de-Mars will also be the site of many events of the Paris Games , thanks to the Eiffel Tower stadium and the Champ-de-Mars Arena which it will host.The Champ-de-Mars has always been a major gathering place in Paris. In 2024, it will continue to bring people together in good spirits, during the Olympics at the Eiffel Tower stadium and at the Champ-de-Mars Arena.To enjoy the wonders of the Champs de Mars, book your hotel room at Le CadranEnjoy Paris by staying in our other partner hotels:Hotel B55 in Paris 13Hotel de l’Espérance in Paris 5Hotel Elsa in Paris 17Hotel Aiglon in Paris 14Aparthotel in Paris Cadet Résidence


2024 Olympic Games: an arena on the Champ-de-Mars

To be able to accommodate the 10,500 athletes and ensure the 339 sporting events of the next Paris 2024 Games, no less than 35 competition sites have been planned. They are spread across the capital, the rest of France, and even Tahiti. And among the remarkable sites, we must note the excellent location of the Eiffel Tower Stadium and the Champ-de-Mars Arena , two competition venues at the foot of the Eiffel Tower.The Eiffel Tower stadium: the sports complex in the heart of ParisThe Eiffel Tower stadium is a large-scale ephemeral project which will take place at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. This temporary site will be completely dismantled at the end of the sporting events.The installation of the Eiffel Tower stadiumTo be able to honor their promises, the organizers of the 2024 Olympics had to provide numerous spaces to hold sporting events and accommodate thousands of spectators . If the Émile Anthoine stadium, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, seemed ideal for this type of event, the lack of space to install arenas led to the idea of a more imposing installation.The Eiffel Tower stadium project was born from the desire to offer a unique competition site , with a view of the Iron Lady, the emblem of Paris. For this, a huge stadium capable of accommodating nearly 13,000 spectators will be created on the Champ-de-Mars. Until now intended for beautiful walks or major celebrations (New Year’s fireworks, football World Cup victory, etc.), the Champ-de-Mars park will dedicate part of its lawns to football events. blind football and beach volleyball.Once the Olympic Games are over, the huge temporary arena will be dismantled , and the Champ-de-Mars will return to its vast lawns.How to get to the Eiffel Tower stadium?Located on the Champ-de-Mars, in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, the Eiffel Tower stadium will be served by the RER C (“Pont de l’Alma” and “Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel” stations), as well as by the metro (line 6, “Bir Hakeim” station and line 9, “Alma Marceau” station).From the Hôtel du Cadran, you can reach the stadium in less than 20 minutes on foot .Regardless of the mode of transport chosen, it is advisable to allow sufficient transport time and to anticipate arrival at the location.The Olympic and Paralympic events at the Eiffel Tower stadiumThe Eiffel Tower stadium will host two sporting disciplines. The beach volleyball events (men/women) will first take place, from July 27 to August 10, 2024. Then the Paralympic Games will take over, and the Eiffel Tower stadium will host the men’s blind football events , from August 30 to 7 September 2024.The Arena Champ-de-Mars: a competition venue in the Grand Palais ÉphémèreThe Arena Champ-de-Mars is the second temporary site planned at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. It will take place in what was, until then, the Grand Palais Éphémère.The installation of the Arena Champ-de-MarsThe Arena Champ-de-Mars is a temporary site which has already been installed since 2021, opposite the École Militaire. And for good reason, the 2024 Olympic Arena will simply take over from the Grand Palais Éphémère.Built by architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte in 2021, the Grand Palais Éphémère aimed to continue to welcome visitors to the Grand Palais during its renovation work. It’s done, and before dismantling this immense ecological structure with its wooden frame, the premises will be used one last time to host some events of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games .Able to accommodate more than 8,000 spectators , the Arena will then be dismantled, and the durable materials will likely be reused for other projects.How to get to the Arena Champ-de-Mars?Located on the Champ-de-Mars, in the 7th arrondissement, the Arena will be accessible by the metro (lines 6 and 8, “Motte Piquet Grenelle” metro station, line 10, “Ségur” station).From the Hotel du Cadran , it will be enough to walk a few minutes, since the year is only 700 meters from the hotel .The Olympic and Paralympic events at the Arena Champ-de-MarsThe Arena Champ-de-Mars will be the meeting place for many athletes. Six disciplines will be highlighted in this magnificent setting:●     Judo (women, men and mixed) ;●     Freestyle wrestling ( women and men);●     Greco-Roman wrestling ( men);●     Para judo ;●     Wheelchair rugby .Other events not far from the Champ-de-MarsThe Arena Champ-de-Mars and the Eiffel Tower stadium will not be the only competition sites in Paris intramural. You will also be able to attend numerous events not far from these two sites:●     The Esplanade des Invalides : archery, road cycling, athletics and para archery;●     The Trocadéro : athletics and road cycling;●     Pont Alexandre III : road cycling, triathlon, marathon swimming and para triathlon;●     Place de la Concorde : 3X3 basketball, breaking, skateboarding and BMX freestyle;●     The Arena Paris Sud : weightlifting, volleyball, handball, table tennis, goaball, boccia, and para table tennis;●     The Parc des Princes : football…The Paris 2024 Olympic Games promise to be incredible. Experiencing the event in a stadium with a view of the Eiffel Tower seems even more magical. It is this incredible experience that the Eiffel Tower stadium and the Champ-de-Mars Arena will offer us .


Everything you need to know about the Hôtel national des Invalides

Embodying the essence of French military grandeur, the Hôtel national des Invalides attracts thousands of visitors each year. Discover French military history through this emblematic monument with its many secrets and precious treasures. Relive centuries of military glory at the Hôtel national des Invalides .The history of the Hôtel des InvalidesThe history of Les Invalides stretches over several centuries, but its primary mission as a hospital-hospice will never cease to be respected.The birth of the Hôtel des InvalidesLes Invalides was created in 1670, at the request of Louis XIV. The objective was to provide a place of welcome for the “ crippled, old and decrepit officers and soldiers of our troops”. Built on the model of La Salpêtrière, the site then became a hospice, a hospital, a barracks, and even a monastery , and accommodated up to 1,500 residents.In 1674, after several years of work, the historic monument was erected perpendicular to the Seine, and is made up of a central pavilion, a forecourt, a royal courtyard and a church. On each side of the courtyard, we find the refectory, while the dormitory is located in the buildings forming square courtyards.In 1678, the soldiers’ church opened its doors. It was not until 1706 that the royal church was inaugurated.From the French Revolution to 1830: commemorating French victoriesIn 1793, the Saint-Louis des Invalides church began to house all the flags taken from the enemy during various battles. Under the First Empire, more than 1,500 flags and trophies were placed in the Temple of Mars, before everything was destroyed on March 30, 1814, during the Battle of Paris. From 1830, all the trophies were placed directly in the crypt of the Invalides church, or in the Invalides museum.The vocation of the Invalides necropolisFrom 1800, Napoleon I decided to transform the place into a necropolis, first with the tomb of Marshal Turenne exposed in the royal church, followed by the heart of Vauban. Napoleon’s tomb was itself installed under the dome of the Invalides in 1861. From 1853, the royal chapel, which became the imperial mausoleum , was separated from the soldiers’ church, with the installation of a large glass roof.From the hospital institution to the national education museumAfter 1870, the number of residents became fewer, while the monument saw the creation of two museums: the Historical Museum of the Army and the Artillery Museum. These two museums merged in 1905 to become the Army Museum . Then follow the Museum of Plans – Reliefs and the Museum of Order and Liberation.What to do at the Hôtel des Invalides?Located in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, the Hôtel des Invalides covers 11,000 m² of permanent exhibition and 600 m² of temporary exhibition. There is therefore no shortage of discoveries in this high place of the French Republic.The dome of the InvalidesUntil the construction of the Eiffel Tower, the Invalides dome remained the tallest building in Paris. Built by the architect Jules Hardouin-Mansart, at the request of Louis XIV, it wonderfully reflects the extravagance of the Sun King, with the numerous gilding.Under the Revolution, the dome became the temple of the god of war, Mars , and in 1800, Napoleon transformed it into a pantheon of military glories . Today, you can discover the tomb of Napoleon I, the mausoleum of Vauban, as well as the graves of L’Aiglon (Napoléon II), Marshal Foch, Jérôme and Joseph Bonaparte, and Marshal Lyautey.Unusual officesThe two unusual cabinets are new spaces. One is dedicated to scale models of artillery pieces and collections of old figurines (lead, paper and tin soldiers), while the other is dedicated to the history of old musical instruments.The Museum of Order and LiberationCreated by General de Gaulle in 1967, the Museum of Order and Liberation honors the soldiers who contributed to the liberation of France during the Second World War. We discover the exceptional destinies of the Companions of the Liberation, recounting the internal Resistance, Free France and deportation.The Charles de Gaulle HistorialThe Charles de Gaulle historial retraces the journey of the founding President of the Fifth Republic, through an audiovisual and interactive experience. The visitor then discovers the major role and the various actions of the leader of France which marked the century.Saint-Louis CathedralDedicated to King Louis IX, called Saint-Louis after his canonization, Saint-Louis Cathedral is dedicated to the Trinity. This soldiers’ church will then be completed by the royal chapel, so that everyone can attend the same masses, without using the same access points.Under the vault of the soldiers’ church, there are numerous war trophies and enemy flags.In 1986, the Saint-Louis des Invalides church became the cathedral of the diocese to the French armies . Today, masses continue to be celebrated there, and every year, the Saison musicale des Invalides organize concerts there.The Ancient Weapons and Armor DepartmentThe Ancient Arms and Armor department houses one of the largest European collections of arms and armor dating from the 13th to 17th centuries. We therefore discover the evolution of warrior equipment, and the major place that weapons and armor have always held in aristocratic societies and in cities, particularly in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.The Museum of Plans – ReliefsThe Plans-Reliefs museum at the Hôtel des Invalides brings together 28 models of fortified towns, made between 1668 and 1875. The museum was created following the request of Louis XIV’s minister of war to create a model of the town from Dunkirk. These relief plans were then used to develop military strategies, and represent the symbol of control of the territory.The Louis XIV – Napoleon departmentThe Louis _ There we discover soldiers’ uniforms, weapons, luxury pieces, decorations, and even the personal effects of Napoleon Bonaparte and his marshals.The Department of the Two World WarsThe Department of the Two World Wars traces the history of the French army from 1871 to 1945, and in particular the two great world conflicts. There are thousands of objects there, ranging from uniforms to models, from weapons to everyday objects.Visit the Hôtel national des Invalides: practical informationThe Hôtel des Invalides is open every day , from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and offers a late night, the 1st Friday of each month, until 10 p.m.The entrance ticket costs €15 , with the possibility of benefiting from a reduced price of €12, or free entry, depending on conditions. The ticket gives access:To permanent collections;At the Dome Church;At the tomb of Napoleon I;At the current temporary exhibition;At the Plans-Reliefs museum;At the Museum of the Order of the Liberation.Good to know: the PARIS MUSEUM PASS allows access to all these spaces without going through the ticket office.Testimony to the military power of France, the Hôtel national des Invalides is a historic monument not to be missed during your stay in Paris. Book your room now at the Hôtel du Cadran , and enjoy an ideal location just a stone’s throw from the Invalides and the Eiffel Tower.


Visit Paris at night: follow our guide!

Paris at night offers a completely different experience than during the day. In the twilight, the illuminated streets and monuments plunge the capital into an almost magical atmosphere. To live this unique Parisian experience, discover our guide for a nighttime tour of Paris .Treat yourself to a dinner – cruise on the SeineA trip by riverboat or barge on the Seine is the perfect opportunity to discover all the most beautiful monuments of Paris, while letting yourself be carried by the waves. At night, the visit takes a completely different turn, more unusual, romantic and magical. Before your eyes all the illuminated monuments gradually appear, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Orsay Museum, the Louvre Museum, or the Alexandre III Bridge. All you have to do is live in the moment, enjoying a delicious meal on a barge, or simply enjoying a night cruise .Climb the Eiffel Tower at nightBy day, the legendary Eiffel Tower offers you an endless panorama of the capital and its surroundings. At night, the Iron Lady adorns herself in her most beautiful finery to offer you a completely different experience. The hundreds of LEDs guide you to the top, where you will discover a breathtaking view of the lights of Paris. And if you are present when one hour changes to another, you will have the chance to live the immersive experience of the twinkle of the tower . Enough to put stars in your eyes and feel particularly privileged, protected by the imposing metal structure.Take advantage of the view and the calm and peaceful atmosphere to treat yourself to a glass of Champagne at the top of the Eiffel Tower at night .Grab tickets for a show at the Moulin RougeThe Moulin Rouge is probably the most famous cabaret in the world. Inaugurated during the Belle Époque, this theater has never stopped entertaining Parisians and tourists with magical shows . The greatest artists have graced the stage of this cultural mecca, from Frank Sinatra to Liza Minelli, from the greatest jugglers to admirable dancers.Treat yourself to a place for a show or dinner at the Moulin Rouge , and discover the excitement of Parisian nights, in the legendary and dynamic Montmartre district.Discover the other cabarets in ParisIf the Moulin Rouge is the benchmark for nighttime festivities in Paris, there are many other cabarets that could appeal to you just as much. In the evening, Paris puts on its festive clothes and offers you a whole entertaining program, from the most magical to the most astonishing.The Crazy Horse : a true Parisian institution, the Crazy Horse is a cabaret where you will find hilarious, sometimes crazy shows. The place is best known for its pretty young women, scantily clad and all in sequins;Le Paradis Latin : this other Parisian cabaret was built by Gustave Eiffel and offers shows and dinners on the theme of poetry, humor, but also sometimes lust.Good to know: if you are planning to stay in Paris and want to attend one of these magnificent shows, it is strongly recommended to book your tickets in advance.Live the unique experience of a night visit to the Louvre MuseumVisiting the Louvre Museum is one of the must-sees during a stay in Paris. There we discover the masterpieces of the greatest artists from around the world, from Antiquity to the 19th century. And if the museum opens its doors every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., you can also treat yourself to the incredible experience of visiting the Louvre at night , during the nocturnal events. Two days a week, the most visited museum in Paris only closes its doors at 9:45 p.m. This is the opportunity to enjoy the place without the usual crowds of the day, and to discover a new perspective on the works, only illuminated by artificial lights.Opéra Garnier at night: visit the premises or attend a performanceFamous theater which inspired the work of the “Phantom of the Opera”, the Garnier operais an emblematic monument of the cultural life of Paris. In winter, when the sun sets early, you may decide to visit before closing time to experience the ostentatious decorations and sublime architecture at night.Your nighttime experience at the Opéra Garnier can also be done in another way: by attending a performance. Many plays and dance performances are regularly organized, and the last performance of the day then allows you to access the monument at night.Visit Paris by night by busAfter walking the streets of Paris all day, it’s nice to be able to rest a little in the evening. This doesn’t mean you should stop exploring. For this, night bus tours are perfect! Comfortably installed, you stroll through the lit streets of Paris, and set off to meet the most beautiful monuments at night : Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, Pont Neuf… In just 30 minutes, the Night tourist bus offers you a magical experience and an unforgettable memory of the best places in the capital.You can even have fun making the journey during the day, then at night, to discover the two faces of Paris.Discover the Parisian nights of the Latin QuarterThe Latin Quarter , south of the Île de la Cité, is probably the ideal place to enjoy Parisian night life. This dynamic district is also renowned for its jazz concerts , which immerse the streets in a festive musical atmosphere. Then discover the different live music programs, such as Le Petit Journal, a jazz club from the 50s, near the Luxembourg Gardens, but also Le Caveau de la Huchette, a great classic of Parisian jazz, or Le Caveau des Oubliettes, a small jazz, soul and blues bar.Did you know Paris by day? A night visit will reveal another side of this tumultuous city. From romantic dinners on the Seine to the crazy atmosphere of cabarets, let your desires guide you during your visit to Paris at night .


The best spots to see the Eiffel Tower

When visiting Paris, going to see the Eiffel Tower is usually at the top of the list of things to do. But to be sure to have a perfect perspective on this immense tower, going there is not necessarily the best idea. Here are some ideas of the best spots to see the Eiffel Tower .Stay at the foot of the Eiffel TowerBefore walking away and taking a step back to have a beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower, it is above all interesting to go near it. At its feet, you will become aware of the immensity of this imposing metal structure. On the square in front of the Eiffel Tower , in the center of the 4 feet, have fun trying to see its summit. This surreal and magical vision will make you feel like a speck of dust compared to the majesty of this iconic monument.Treat yourself to a picturesque view during a cruise on the SeineThe Bateau-Mouche ride on the Seine is undoubtedly one of the most “cliché” tourist attractions in Paris, but it is also the best solution for enjoying breathtaking views of all the most beautiful monuments of the center of the capital without getting tired. Comfortably installed on a barge or a riverboat, all you have to do is enjoy the scenery, which will gradually reveal the Orsay Museum, the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, the Louvre Museum, the Alexandre III Bridge …and the Eiffel Tower!From the Seine, the unobstructed view of the Iron Lady will never be so beautiful and picturesque.Enjoy a clear view from MontmartreTo enjoy beautiful things, you sometimes have to know how to move away from them and take a step back. Then head to the Montmartre district , where you can admire a postcard setting with the Eiffel Tower in your sights. To deserve this panorama, you will have to climb to the top of the Butte Montmartre. Along the cobbled streets, you could already see the Iron Lady in the distance. But it is at the very top, on the square in front of the Sacré-Coeur basilica , that the view will be the most beautiful. In the middle of the urban landscape and historical monuments, the Eiffel Tower is there, as prestigious and elegant as ever.Climb to the top of the Montparnasse towerTo be able to admire the 324 meter high Parisian monument, why not get up high? At the top of the Montparnasse Tower , the only skyscraper in Paris, you will have an incredible and unique view of the Eiffel Tower. From the top of the 56th floor, you will try to get up to this sublime historical monument, and you will be treated to a breathtaking panorama.On the ground, the Parisian landscape unfolds beneath your feet and leads you up to the tower, all with a completely unobstructed view, considered by many Parisians as the best spot to see the Eiffel Tower .Go to the Trocadéro esplanadeEquipped with your camera, are you looking for a perfect spot to admire the Eiffel Tower and take pretty photos? Place du Trocadéro is the ideal place for this. From the immense esplanade, the Trocadéro gardens extend as far as the eye can see as far as the Seine, before arriving at the feet of the Iron Lady. Near the Palais de Chaillot, you will then have plenty of time to admire the monument in a completely open setting, and you can even enjoy a moment of relaxation by sitting at the table in the restaurant of the Musée de l’Homme, to a lunch or dinner with the Eiffel Tower in the background .Climb the Arc de TriompheEnjoy a stroll along the Avenue des Champs Élysées to get to the Arc de Triomphe . This monument, honoring French military victories, offers access to its summit. By climbing the 284 steps of the building, you will find yourself facing a breathtaking view of the most beautiful avenue in the world. Basically, as majestic as ever, the work of Gustave Eiffel stands out and puts stars in your eyes.Take a ride on the Ferris Wheel in the Tuileries gardensSince the 2000s, the Big Wheel has been regularly installed on the Place de la Concorde. In recent years, it has migrated to the Tuileries garden, particularly during the Christmas market. If you have the chance to see it during your stay in Paris, take the opportunity to discover a 360° panorama of the capital . At night, the experience is even more magical, and allows you to see the City of Lights from a new, more intimate and wonderful angle. In the distance, the sparkling Eiffel Tower will fulfill all your desires with magic.Cross the Bir Hakeim bridgeFavorite spot for photographers and directors, the Bir Hakeim bridge is another magical place to admire the Eiffel Tower. Above the Seine, the sublime architecture of the bridge offers an incredible setting for observing the beauty of the Iron Lady and taking pretty photos. We then forget about the traffic, and enjoy an exceptional moment in the heart of Paris.Go see the Eiffel Tower from our 4-star hotel!All these incredible places to admire the Eiffel Tower make you dream? To make sure you don’t miss any, book your hotel room at Le Cadran now . Our 4-star hotel, in the 7th arrondissement, is ideally located near the Iron Lady and all the magical spots to observe and take photos of her.You will then only have to walk a few meters to greet the great lady as soon as you wake up, or before going to sleep. What could be more magical to soak up the picturesque atmosphere of Paris?To recover from your emotions, how about a moment of relaxation? The spa & well-being area of the Cadran hotel offers you that moment of relaxation that you will need after hours of visiting one of the most beautiful cities in the world.The Eiffel Tower always arouses strong emotions, and many are ready to travel miles to enjoy the most beautiful views of this famous monument. From Montmartre to the Trocadéro, discover all the spots in Paris with a view of the Iron Lady , by staying at the Cadran Hotel in the 7th arrondissement.


Beaupassage: highly gastronomic event in Paris 7

Located in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, Beaupassage is an open-air space entirely devoted to gastronomy. Take the time to stroll through the heart of this exclusively pedestrian passage, and let yourself be tempted by the best addresses from the greatest chefs in France.Beaupassage, the temple of gastronomy in the 7th arrondissement of ParisLocated between rue de Grenelle, rue du Bac and boulevard Raspail, Beaupassage is a 10,000 m² open-air passageway devoted to gastronomy and art. The premises are designed with elegant green spaces, gourmet restaurants and magnificent living spaces, all embellished with some hand-picked works of art.This pedestrian crossing is then a place to stroll away from the hustle and bustle of Paris, where it is pleasant to walk, drink a coffee on the terrace, or feast at the best Parisian restaurants.Also enjoy an exceptional view of Paris from the restaurants of the Eiffel TowerThe good gourmet addresses of BeaupassageIf you like to stroll through Beaupassage to admire the works of Marc Vellay, Stefan Rinck, or even Eva Jospin, you can’t resist the urge to go and taste the delicious dishes of the starred chefs of this chic passage.L’Allénothèque: restaurant, wine cellar and art galleryYannick and Laurence Alléno offer us a friendly, unique and chic place where a restaurant, an art gallery and a wine cellar are brought together on 3 floors. On the ground floor, the Allénothèque restaurant accommodates up to 50 guests, but it is above all the large terrace in the interior courtyard which offers a pleasant setting for discovering the refined cuisine of starred chef Yannick Alléno . In the basement, a magnificent wine cellar presents more than 700 references of the best wines from France and elsewhere.The Pierre Hermé CaféKnown throughout the world, pastry chef Pierre Hermé is expanding his offering with a chic and gourmet tea and coffee room in Beaupassage. In a decor designed by Laura Gonzalez, you can sit in the dining room or on the terrace to eat some treats and drink a coffee. Several offers allow you to enjoy yourself at any time of the day: breakfast, lunch, tea time…Thierry Marx’s bakeryIf you’re used to stopping at the bakery to simply buy a baguette, chef Thierry Marx’s bakery offers you a whole bread experience. Made from organic flours and worked according to ancient traditions, the famous chef’s baguettes convey true ethical values and the deep convictions of Thierry Marx.Ideal for a gourmet break, this fast food spot also offers tasty street food, pastries and pastries.Daily Pic, Anne-Sophie Pic’s gourmet canteenThe French chef with 3 Michelin stars, Anne-Sophie Pic, has set up shop at Beaupassage, and offers gourmets classic and creative dishes highlighting the importance of eating well every day. The originality of the Daily Pic ? Offer gourmet jars to eat on site or take away, for a high-end street food version.From sweet to savory, you can enjoy yourself on the terrace, or take your jar wherever you want.Mersea, the marine street food of Oliver BellinWith 2 stars to his credit, Breton chef Olivier Bellin is setting up at Beaupassage with an innovative concept: a street food restaurant focused on seafood . In the dining room or on the terrace, you will enjoy homemade cuisine based on fresh, seasonal products. But the experience doesn’t stop there, and you will also have plenty of time to taste the homemade cocktails and incredibly tasty desserts.Alexandre Polmard’s butchery-restaurantAlexandre Polmard’s butcher shop-restaurant concept highlights fresh meats and charcuterie. On the ground floor, the store allows you to buy the best butchery in Paris, while on the first floor, the restaurant is almost entirely devoted to beef . From steak tartare to prime rib, from terrines to sausages, meat lovers will be in paradise.% Arabica, the coffee bar by Junichi Ymaguchi% Arabica is an address in Beaupassage not to be missed if you love coffee. World champion barista Junichi Ymaguchi has set up his coffee bar there to introduce his customers to the best in roasting. In a refined design, come and have a tasty and friendly coffee break in this coffee temple.La Fromagerie by Nicole BarthélémyThe best cheeses in Paris are undoubtedly at Fromagerie Barthélémy , in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. With over 50 years of know-how, the cheesemaker travels the French countryside in search of the best cheeses, for our greatest pleasure.The Champion Spirit Rive Gauche by Abdoulaye FadigaA healthy lifestyle involves diet, but also physical activity. We then find at Beaupassage the ideal spot for doing sports and taking care of yourself : the Champion Spirit . Fitness trainer Abdoulaye Fadiga offers a unique concept with weight training, boxing ring, athletics track, but also muesli bar, sauna and yoga and pilates classes.Between two tours of Paris and its monuments, Beaupassage offers you a unique and refined experience to enjoy every day from 7 a.m. to midnight.


Everything you need to know about the Eiffel Tower at night

When the sun sets over Paris, the capital begins to shine. The historic monuments and dynamic streets light up, to the delight of Parisians and tourists. But, when the evening comes, it is above all the Eiffel Tower which attracts all the attention and puts stars in the eyes. Let’s discover all the secrets of the Eiffel Tower at night .The sparkle and lighting of the Iron LadySince its construction by Gustave Eiffel, on the occasion of the Universal Exhibition of 1889, the Eiffel Tower has benefited from beautiful lighting. Even today, the monument at night is exceptionally beautiful.Light on the Eiffel Tower: from gas to electricityWhen it was built, the Eiffel Tower was lit by external gas-powered projectors. On the evening of the inauguration of the famous monument, more than 10,000 gas burners are lit and highlight the Iron Lady.Ten years later, electricity replaces gas, and more than 5,000 light bulbs are integrated into the metal structure, and no longer outside. The objective is then to facilitate access to the Eiffel Tower at night, but also to highlight the elegant structure of the monument. From this date, several types of lighting are temporarily set up for various events.On December 31, 1985, the Iron Lady put on her golden dress , on the occasion of a major restoration of the monument and its lighting. And in 2000, for the change of the millennium, the new lighthouse and the sparkles were unveiled to the public. The program was intended to be temporary, but it will become an important daily event in Paris.Flickering and lighting: timesNothing is more magical in Paris than admiring the Eiffel Tower lit and sparkling every evening. To be able to take advantage of it, it is better to be informed of the lighting times.Every evening, the golden lighting turns on as soon as night falls , thanks to light sensors. The Eiffel Tower then sparkles for 5 minutes at the start of each hour . So, if the sun sets at 8:20 p.m., the Iron Lady will light up a pretty yellow color in the 10 minutes that follow, and the first flicker will take place at 9 p.m.As for the Eiffel Tower lighthouse, it lights up and starts rotating at the same time as the lighting, at nightfall.As part of the City of Paris’ plan for energy sobriety, all the lights in the Eiffel Tower turn off at 11:45 p.m. The last flicker therefore takes place at 11 p.m.Good to know: in summer, the Eiffel Tower is open until 12:45 a.m. The lighting and the lighthouse therefore turn off at 1 a.m., and the last sparkle continues to shine, alone, for 5 minutes.What is the electricity consumption of the Eiffel Tower lighting?The energy expenditure of the Eiffel Tower has been a major concern for several years now. Thus, in 2004, the electrical power of the 336 projectors was reduced by 40%, representing 4% of the total energy consumption of the monument.As for flickering, already in 2008, the duration of illumination was reduced from 10 to 5 minutes, to reduce its ecological footprint. The energy consumption of the 20,000 xenon bulbs remains very low, representing only 0.4% of the tower’s energy costs . These figures have also fallen further with the energy sobriety plan, since nighttime flickering now stops at 11 p.m.Since 2016, the energy performance of the Eiffel Tower’s lighting has only improved, with a reduction in energy consumption of 9% per year on average.The Iron Lady LighthouseFrom the inauguration in 1889, a lighthouse was installed at the top of the Eiffel Tower, with the aim of illuminating the main monuments of Paris , such as the Arc de Triomphe, the Opéra Garnier, or the Louvre Museum. Later, in 1947, light beams were used for aerial navigation. Today, the lighthouse remains a universal and symbolic landmark.The current lighthouse of the monument was inaugurated on the occasion of the “Top of the year 2000”. It is made up of 2 electrical harnesses with a range of 80 km .Discover the Eiffel Tower at nightDepending on the time of year, the Iron Lady is open in the evening, and allows you to enjoy a unique experience of Paris by night.What to do during a night visit?At the end of the day and in the evening, the Eiffel Tower takes on another look, thanks to the pretty golden color of its lighting. You can then visit the monument as during a daytime visit, but we advise you to take the stairs . The illuminated structure then offers you a unique experience, in an almost intimate atmosphere.If you are lucky enough to come at the end of the day, go up to the top floor, to the champagne bar, to enjoy a small glass of champagne while admiring the sunset. And for a romantic dinner with a view of Paris by night, you can reserve a table at Madame Brasserie, on the 1st floor, or at the starred restaurant Jules Verne, on the 2nd floor.Experience the sparkle intenselyTo fully enjoy the beauty of the tower’s sparkle during a nighttime visit, you will need to watch your watch, to be there early , after dark. Then, to be in the heart of the sparkles, we advise you to go to the 2nd floor . Golden lights will shine all around you, and you only need to look up to admire the monument’s glittering spire.If you want to enjoy a beautiful view of Paris at night, or if you are curious to discover the lighthouse in operation, then we suggest going to the top of the tower.Photograph the Eiffel Tower at nightWould you like to forever engrave the memory of this magical evening near the golden light of the Eiffel Tower? Please note that it is not at all forbidden to photograph or film the nighttime lighting of the Iron Lady . You can even share your memories on social networks.On the other hand, for professionals, the law is different. Indeed, the golden lighting and the sparkles are protected by copyright , and to use the image of the tower, you will need authorization. To do this, you will need to contact the Société d’Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel.Visiting the Eiffel Tower during the day or at night are two completely different experiences. At nightfall, the golden lighting of the monument makes the visit magical and unforgettable.Learn more about the history of the Eiffel Tower